About the Journal

The Journal of Technological and Space Plasmas (JTSP) is an online full open access journal that publishes novel research with high significance across a broad readership in science and industry. The journal is owned and run by Gruenwald Laboratories.



JTSP has the following metrics in 2024:

  • H-Index: 4
  • Cite Score: 1.5


The journal is already listed in the following academic and scholarly databases: Asian Science Citation Index (ASCI), Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, ScienceGate, Scite_, BrowZine, Researchgate and Scilit.

The selection of content and the peer review process is managed by a board of internationally renowned scientists. Accepted papers will not only be promoted throughout the scientific community but also in the industrial network of G-Labs. A blind peer-review process ensures a fair and impartial determination of the scientific quality of the articles published in JTSP.

The average time spans for the review process are as follows:

  •   5 days for the preliminary assessment of each manuscript
  • 21 days for the first review round
  • 30 days from submission of a manuscript until publication

Owned by Gruenwald LaboratoriesThe Journal of Technological and Space Plasmas (JTSP) is an open-access, electronic-only journal publishing original research in the field of plasma physics. The journal's Editorial Board and staff are committed to publishing articles of outstanding scientific quality that attract the attention and interest of the scientific as well as the industrial community. JTSP is available free to all its readers and is funded by article publication charges.

The Journal of Technological and Space Plasmas allows authors to retain full copyright for their work. Please note that the © sign in the pdf files only applies to the layout of the document and not to its content. All articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The authors are allowed to deposit all versions of their manuscript (submitted, accepted and published version) in an institutional or other repository of the author’s choice without embargo. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the articles Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

Plagiarism Screening

All manuscript that are under consideration for publication in JTSP are subjected to a rigorous plagiarism screening. The online tool used for the plagiarism check is the online tool https://www.check-plagiarism.com/.

Long Term Preservation

To ensure the long term preservation of all articles published in JTSP each paper will be exported to the Portico preservation archive.

Subject Coverage, Aims and Scope

JTSP’s coverage is focused but not limited to the following fields of plasma physics, encompassing pure, applied, theoretical and experimental research, as well as interdisciplinary topics:

  • Technologically relevant plasmas (e.g. PECVD, welding, etc.)
  • Plasma medicine
  • Fusion Science and Technology
  • Plasmas for Space Applications
  • Space Plasmas (i.e. Physics of the magnetosphere, physics of stars, etc.)

Article Requirements

A JTSP article must be written according to the highest scientific quality standards, both in terms of originality and significance. The results have to make substantial advances within the field of plasma physics. The impact of a JTSP article should be appealing to the journal's broad readership in science and industry. To ensure the high standards of JTSP, every submitted article is preliminarily assessed by the Editorial Board before sending it to independent referees.

Article Style

JTSP publishes only original research, which has not been submitted to other journals or is currently under review somewhere else. As a journal read by the whole plasma science community, article abstracts, introductions and conclusions should also mention wider implications of the work within plasma science and technology. However, the main body of each manuscript should not compromise on the scientific rigour that is demanded by an international research journal. The broad readership of JTSP gives authors an opportunity to reach a wider audience, as well as specialists from science and industry.

Article Length

In general, submitted articles should not be longer than 18,000 words (an average of 900 words per A4 size journal page). For review articles the maximum word count is 27,000 words.

Citing an article in JTSP

JTSP uses an article numbering system, starting with [1] in the pdf document, allowing articles to be published one at a time. Articles should be referenced by using the official abbreviation of the journal, for instance:

[1] J. Gruenwald, A. Einstein, and J. Doe, “A guide for writing for the JTSP,” J. of Technol. and Space Plasmas, vol. 0, no. 1, 2018.


Ethics and malpractice statement


Contributor responsibilities

Manuscript standards

Only original research and results should be presented, except for review articles in which the current state of the art is summarised. However, the citation and plagiarism rules outlined below have to be followed. All relevant data has to be presented in an accurate and complete manner to ensure that the readers can replicate the methods and procedures. Claims and statements that are fraudulent or knowingly wrong or misleading are highly unethical and, hence, forbidden.


All authors must take care that their work is written originally. If results and/or words from other sources have been used, they have to be cited appropriately. Claiming other people’s work or results in any form as the authors’ own is plagiarism and unacceptable.

Parallel publication

Authors must not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time or submit a paper that is already under consideration by another journal as this is considered scientifically unethical.


Acknowledgment for the contribution of other parties has always to be given in proper form. Scientific publications that are connected to the submitted paper have to be properly cited. Other information obtained in ways such as private discussions, written or oral conversation, etc. must be acknowledged and can only be used with the permission (best in written form) of the third party. Relevant funding agencies also have to be named in the acknowledgement section at the end of the manuscript.


The (co)author list must include and should be limited to all persons who made a substantial contribution to the submitted work. There has to be one corresponding author who is responsible for ensuring this. The corresponding author is also responsible for ensuring that all co-authors have agreed to the submission of the manuscript in its final version.

Human or animal subjects

If studies of humans or animals are involved in a paper, the authors must pay due attention to the ethical aspects of the study. Such works must be in compliance with local statutory requirements. The Journal of Technological and Space Plasmas endorses fully the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki on Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects, the latest version of which may be found at https://www.wma.net/what-we-do/medical-ethics/declaration-of-helsinki/. A statement should be made that the study has been carried out with ethical committee approval, where this is necessary. Studies involving experiments on animals must attend to the welfare of the animals. The guidelines of the United Kingdom Coordinating Committee on Cancer Research (UKCCCR) provide a basis for welfare considerations. Authors must also be aware of Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals by the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, which may be found at www.nap.edu/readingroom/books/labrats. Please state if the work has been subject to animal ethics committee approval.

Disclosure and conflicts of interest

The authors have to disclose any financial or other conflicts of interest, which might influence the outcome of their work as early as possible. The sources of funding or any other financial support have to be disclosed in the manuscript. The same holds for stock ownership, paid expertise or patent applications.

Fundamental errors in published works

If either an editor, a third party or an author him/herself discovers a substantial error or inaccuracy in his/her own published article, it is the duty of the author/editor to inform the other party (editor/author). The author has to take care that the work in question is retracted or corrected. If the author see no error or inaccuracy in his/her work, he/she is obliged to provide proof of the correctness of the initial manuscript.


Editor responsibilities

Decisions regarding publication

As JTSP is a peer-reviewed journal, the editor is responsible for the selection of potential publications, which then enter the blind peer-review process. The final decision about the publication of a peer-reviewed article is the editor’s but it is based on the received referee reports and, in some cases, also on the opinion of the editorial board.

Objective decisions

The editor’s decision is solely based on the intellectual and scientific rigor and merit of the submitted manuscripts. There won’t be any regard to gender, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation of the authors.

Ensuring Confidentiality

The publisher, the editor and the editorial board are not allowed to disclose any information about manuscripts submitted to JTSP. Exemptions are only made for the corresponding author, (potential) referees and other members of the editorial board, if necessary.

Disclosure and conflicts of interest

Unpublished data, methods, materials, ideas etc. will not be used in an editor’s own research without the explicit consent of the author (in written form). The same holds for participants in the peer review process (i.e. reviewers and potential reviewers). If the editor in charge of the submission process has any potential conflict of interest, he/she has to recuse him/herself and another member of the editorial board has to take over the submission process in question.

Handling ethical concerns

If ethical concerns have been put forward regarding submitted or published work, the editor shall take suitable measures, such as informing the author of the concerns raised and give the authors time reasonable for consideration. If the claim of ethical concern cannot be rebutted, a correction, retraction, etc. has to be published. The reporting of an incident of unethical behaviour in any publication of JTSP will be investigated without any limit on the time between publication and discovery of the concern.


Reviewer responsibilities:

Support the editorial decision process

The peer review process ensures a high quality of the publications in general and in JTSP in particular and is, thus, a cornerstone of the scientific method and best publication practises. Hence, the reviewer should base his/her review on the following aspects:


If the referee accepts the review task he/she should strive to deliver a timely and yet thorough review. If he/she feels unable to review or detects a conflict of interest he/she should inform the editor as soon as possible and abandon the review process.


As the authors trust JTSP and the referees with their manuscripts, their work must not be shown to, shared or discussed with others.


Any referee must review a manuscript impartially and if comments are made or objections are raised concerning the content of the paper, the criticism hast to be brought forward with scientific arguments. The referees should only criticise the scientific content of the paper and not the authors.

References and Sources

If a reviewer is aware of any relevant literature, which has not been referenced in the paper or that some method, interpretation, argument, experiment, etc. has already been reported elsewhere he/she should state this in his/her report with proper citations of the relevant literature. If a clear similarity between the reviewed paper and already published work is detected, the reviewer should inform the editor about this.

Disclosure and conflict of interest

Unpublished data, methods, materials, ideas etc. will not be used in a reviewers own research without the explicit consent of the author (in written form). If the reviewer thinks that there is a conflict of interest of any sort, he/she should inform the editor and leave the review process.


ISSN: 2616-647X